Breastfeeding help
These sessions are open to all women on a sliding scale, however, no one is turned away. With tea and snacks that promote healthy habits, I informally help with any issues that come up for breastfeeding moms.
Session starts with a chant or lullaby and then a brief mindfulness meditation to center, arrive, and connect. Then we introduce ourselves, and the babies and get to the issues at hand.
This is a great time to talk about different themes that come up for women with regards to breastfeeding, including nighttime parenting, sleep, partner’s role, sex, introducing solid foods, carrying the baby vs strollers, and myriad other topics.
These sessions aim to be fun, peaceful and easeful; although often healing tears are shed, along with birth stories, and other treasures from the depths of the postpartum woman’s psyche.
It is the best of village ecology in the sense that women come together to learn from each other and share in community, similar to the olden days when we learned about breastfeeding from our aunties, and neighbors –a way which has been lost over the last few generations.
More often than I wish were true, some women need more help, and with more frequency than once a week. In these cases, I will refer them to a breastfeeding consultant who offers office visits on site, or home visits.
Class size is up to 10 women, although we can make accommodations should the number of participants increase.